In capitalism, there exists a trend known as cosmopolitanism, in which bourgeois forces attempt to operate above the laws, taxes, tariffs, and interests of nations. Concepts like World Citizenship are espoused by the subscribers to this cult of capital, with its believers often believing in the idea of oneness and universal values. As the drastic reformers of nation states, who refuse to recognize their own nation’s culture, people, and history, these naive subhumans naturally label themselves as liberals and progressives, seeing the destruction of their culture, people, and institutions of order as benchmarks upon which to indicate progress. While the benefactors of these Left™ ideals are solely the bourgeois, who have much to gain from tax loopholes and cheap labor, the propagators of these values are usually those who’d never refer to themselves as capitalists at all. When actual socialists wonder why no coherent and traditional socialist force has emerged on the American Left™, they fail to realize that the entirety of what we recognize as the Left™ in America are capitalists co-opted by the influences of international capital. Similarly, when we look at what constitutes the Right™ in America, it’s capitalists co-opted by the influences of national capital. This tugging back and forth in political power between the localized bourgeois still bound to nations and the grander bourgeois, who have ascended to command gobs of global capital, creates what we know as the conflict between the Left-Right in the West’s representational republics. While some Americans like to point out that the two main political parties here are just two wings of the same bird, they fail to mention that the bird represents purely bourgeois interests, with each wing merely paying lip service to whichever voting blocs it can best benefit from. In this article we’re going to be looking at the Left™’s similarities to pataphysics, in order to better illustrate how they intellectually operate, as well as look at the CIA’s involvement in establishing such mutated and perverse strains of socialists in the West.
Pataphysics, for the uninitiated, is a whimsical field that focuses on creating imaginary solutions to imaginary problems. Many books on the subject, by the adherents of this intentional parody of an academic field, are overly verbose and complicated to the point that none of the content can be understood at all by the casual reader. As texts based on deviating from the logic of material reality so much, part of pataphysics’ charm and mysteriousness is the obscuring of what appears to be an assumed rationale shown in the works here. While pataphysics sustains itself on the imaginary, progressivism sustains itself on the ridiculous. While books on pataphysics are written for the purpose of being only read with great difficulty, books on progressivism are written for the purpose of being only cited with great ease. When we look at the amount of academics in STEM fields that have managed to troll post-modern Western Left™ academic journals by getting their papers, often intentionally written via word generators or in other similarly nonsensical ways, approved for publication, it becomes clear to the casual observer that the Western Left™ spares no thought on what is written but rather who contributes. While anyone could freely contribute to the pataphysics community and reinterpret the material in any new ways they see fit, who is and who isn’t allowed to contribute to the Left™’s dialogue is much more clearly outlined by who is and isn’t credentialed. When Noam Chomsky said, ““The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don’t know how to be submissive, and so on – because they’re dysfunctional to the institutions,” he might’ve been referring more to the gatekeeping that capitalists, and by extension, the Western Left™ does in the fields that it holds the most sway over, such as academia. In such controlled intellectual environments, where you consistently have to toe the party line at institutions reliant on federal money for grants, subsidies, and tuition, the only people that make it far enough to become credentialed professors in such a system are the most thoughtlessly loyal mouthpieces for that system. What we see a great deal of on the Western Left™ is an unending appeal to authorities, and in a capitalist system where all the authorities agree with you, you’re definitely on the capitalists’ team whether or not you acknowledge it. While it might seem conspiratorial to assume that the CIA is behind every bad thing, the emergence of the faux Left™ was primarily encouraged by the CIA in the 1960’s, as exemplified by the CIA’s use of puppet organizations like the Congress of Cultural Freedom in order to meld liberal ideals with socialism in order to make collectivist movements impotently oriented around divisive social causes rather than more unifying economic ones. In addition to focusing socialist-leaning people on social issues rather than economic issues, this helped the West to create a Left™ that was not only distanced from but antagonistic towards established socialist regimes, like the Soviet Union, Maoist China, and other totalitarian countries who objectively flunked out on liberals’ Human Rights checklists.
Progressivism, as a hypocritical mishmash of bourgeois propaganda and hippy neuroses, is built on foundations that are inherently nonsensical, lacking the sound logic and evidence that support other ideologies, and compensates for this lack of reality using the same bullshit means and strategies that pataphysics parodies. On mainstream topics ranging from transgenders’ rights-to-be-bathroom-perverts to more obscure topics like predator abolition, in which robots layered in artificial meat supply carnivores with ethically sourced nutrition, progressivism is designed on not only subverting social norms but also the very laws of nature. As a movement formed by the CIA to accommodate the utopian fantasies of youth who might otherwise become meaningfully subversive, this process of uprooting the laws of reality is purely an emotional outlet, in which the very groups that could otherwise endanger the system are given impotent ways to vent their frustrations, satisfying their neutered power process once the government grants them their eventual in-name-only concessions. While I shouldn’t be quoting Ted Kaczynski too regularly here, it is worth quoting him on this, “Human beings have a need (probably based in biology) for something that we will call the “power process.” This is closely related to the need for power (which is widely recognized) but is not quite the same thing. The power process has four elements. The three most clear-cut of these we call goal, effort and attainment of goal.” For the Western Left™, these frivolous goals and pointless diversions help to satisfy the power process for disenfranchised groups that might otherwise cause problems for capitalism, and while I surely can’t cite any academics off the top of my head on this next point, I think it is very certain that the creation of this impotent power process was entirely intentional. When we look at the success of the Black Panthers in the mid-20th century in spreading class consciousness, and their subsequent fading into irrelevance at the end of the Civil Rights Era, it is clear that in resolving the social issues that groups like the Black Panthers built their bases around, capitalists in Washington were able to dismantle any real resistance to bourgeois interests.
While the trivialization of the power process for the Western Left™ would seem like an anti-climactic dead-end for the movement, that is not the case. With the material symptoms of the youths’ stressors only being ignored in favor of social distractions, the conditions that spawn this anger are never quenched and can be redirected at will by the appointed authorities of progressivism. When we look at protests and riots, it becomes apparent that despite enduring similar if not worse conditions, the rebellious activities of conservative America pale in comparison to the damage that the Western Left™ seem almost authorized to do when their triggers are activated. When we look at the burning down of small businesses, the looting of poor neighborhoods, and the other depravities that take place when the Leftoids are activated, it becomes clear that the very groups that pretend to care about socialism are the greatest threats to American proletarians. Factoring in the Western Left™’s advocation for ultra-liberal concepts like instituting Open Borders, legalizing drug use, demonizing their nation’s people, and passing catch-and-release laws for criminals, it appears that the Western Left™’s subhumans support a society completely antithetical to the financial, spiritual, and physical health of domestic proletarians. The reason why we have yet to see socialists amount to anything in the West is because there’s far fewer socialists than anyone realizes and the ones that do exist have to devote most of their time to separating themselves from the retards that share the same image here before they can ever hope to be taken seriously by their working-class counterparts. So long as the Western Left™ exists, the West will forever be doomed to languish and erode under the forces of international capitalism as people and cultures are replaced by whatever labor is cheaper and whatever values yield more profit. For socialism to succeed, we must become nationalists and traditionalists.